Решение на Разлика в сумите от Андон Мицов

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Андон Мицов


  • 1 точка от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 1 точка общо
  • 2 успешни тест(а)
  • 13 неуспешни тест(а)


package main
import "strings"
func ExtractColumn(logContents string, column uint8) (col string) {
var logLines []string = strings.Split(logContents, "\n")
if column > 2 {
col = ""
for _, value := range logLines {
var lineWords []string = strings.Split(value, " ")
switch column {
case 0:
col += lineWords[0] + " " + lineWords[1] + "\n"
case 1:
col += lineWords[2] + "\n"
case 2:
var columnWord string
for i := 3; i < len(lineWords); i++ {
columnWord += lineWords[i] + " "
col += columnWord + "\n"

Лог от изпълнението

--- FAIL: TestWithTheExampleTest (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestDifferentColumns (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS
		Yet another DNS, how quaint!
		There is definitely some trend here
		Nothing particularly interesting happened
		but found
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS 
		Yet another DNS, how quaint! 
		There is definitely some trend here 
		Nothing particularly interesting happened 
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestWithEmptyLog (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		but found
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestWithOneLiner (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestSpacesAtTheStartOrEndOfALine (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS
		Yet another DNS, how quaint!
		There is definitely some trend here
		 Some spaces at the beginning of this line
		Nothing particularly interesting happened 
		but found
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS 
		Yet another DNS, how quaint! 
		There is definitely some trend here 
		 Some spaces at the beginning of this line 
		Nothing particularly interesting happened  
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestNoNewLineAtEndOfInput (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS
		There is definitely some trend here
		but found
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS 
		There is definitely some trend here 
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestIPOrDateAtTheEndOfALine (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		2015-08-23 12:37:03
		but found
		2015-08-23 12:37:03 
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestWithOnlyOneNewLine (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		but found
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestExtractingIPs (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestExtractingTimes (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestExtractingTexts (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS
		Yet another DNS(, how quaint!
		There is definitely some trend here
		but found
		As far as we can tell this is a DNS 
		Yet another DNS(, how quaint! 
		There is definitely some trend here 
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.006s
ok  	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
ok  	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestWithSpaces (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:260: Expected
		spaces   tabs		end
		but found
		spaces   tabs		end 
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.003s
--- FAIL: TestMoreLinesThanExample (0.00s)
	solution_test.go:253: There was a panic while testing: runtime error: index out of range
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20151103-24541-vigmy5	0.004s

История (3 версии и 2 коментара)

Андон обнови решението на 27.10.2015 09:55 (преди над 2 години)

+package LogParser
+import "strings"
+func ExtractColumn(logContents string, column uint8) (col string) {
+ var logLines []string = strings.Split(logContents, "\n")
+ if column > 2 {
+ col = "Error"
+ return
+ }
+ for _, value := range logLines {
+ var lineWords []string = strings.Split(value, " ")
+ switch column {
+ case 0:
+ col += lineWords[0] + " " + lineWords[1] + "\n"
+ case 1:
+ col += lineWords[2] + "\n"
+ case 2:
+ {
+ var columnWord string
+ for i := 3; i < len(lineWords); i++ {
+ columnWord += lineWords[i] + " "
+ }
+ col += columnWord + "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return

Андон, решението ти изглежда добре. Но има едно нещо, което не ми харесва. Връщането на "Error" при грешен вход на фунцията не е добра идея. Тази стойност може да бъде интерпретирана като нормален резултат от функцията.

Следното нещо е съвсем валиден лог, който може да бъде даден на функцията ти:

2015-10-27 15:09:02 Error

По - генерално, проблема е за това как трябва да се сигнализира за грешка, когато имаш точно определен тип за връщане. За това има решение в езика и това е още една върната стойност. Начина, по който сме ви задали условието, обаче, не го позволява. Ще имаме специална лекция, посветена на точно това и ще ви покажем по - подробно точно такива ситуации. Като preview:

func ExtractColumn(logContents string, column uint8) (string, error)

А за сега бих ти препоръчал да премахнеш този ред и да оставиш резултата да бъде празен низ. Също така, във форума ви обещахме, че няма да даваме грешни входни данни.

Андон обнови решението на 27.10.2015 16:07 (преди над 2 години)

package LogParser
import "strings"
func ExtractColumn(logContents string, column uint8) (col string) {
var logLines []string = strings.Split(logContents, "\n")
if column > 2 {
- col = "Error"
+ col = ""
for _, value := range logLines {
var lineWords []string = strings.Split(value, " ")
switch column {
case 0:
col += lineWords[0] + " " + lineWords[1] + "\n"
case 1:
col += lineWords[2] + "\n"
case 2:
var columnWord string
for i := 3; i < len(lineWords); i++ {
columnWord += lineWords[i] + " "
col += columnWord + "\n"

Андон обнови решението на 28.10.2015 00:43 (преди над 2 години)

-package LogParser
+package main
import "strings"
func ExtractColumn(logContents string, column uint8) (col string) {
var logLines []string = strings.Split(logContents, "\n")
if column > 2 {
col = ""
for _, value := range logLines {
var lineWords []string = strings.Split(value, " ")
switch column {
case 0:
col += lineWords[0] + " " + lineWords[1] + "\n"
case 1:
col += lineWords[2] + "\n"
case 2:
var columnWord string
for i := 3; i < len(lineWords); i++ {
columnWord += lineWords[i] + " "
col += columnWord + "\n"