Катя обнови решението на 05.12.2015 17:31 (преди над 2 години)
+package main
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "sync"
+// Creates a new library
+func NewLibrary(librarians int) Library {
+ m := make(map[string]*Book)
+ librariansChan := make(chan Librarian, librarians)
+ return &FancyLibrary{books: m, librarians: librariansChan, mutex: sync.Mutex{}}
+// Librarian working in the library
+type Librarian struct {
+ request chan LibraryRequest
+ response chan LibraryResponse
+ library *FancyLibrary
+// The librarian waits for requests and helps borrowing a book,
+// returning a book, getting information about a book
+func (librarian *Librarian) serve() {
+ go func() {
+ for {
+ message, ok := <-librarian.request
+ if ok {
+ isbn := message.GetISBN()
+ requestType := message.GetType()
+ switch requestType {
+ case BorrowBook:
+ libraryResponse := librarian.borrowBook(isbn)
+ librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
+ case ReturnBook:
+ libraryResponse := librarian.returnBook(isbn)
+ librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
+ case GetAvailability:
+ libraryResponse := librarian.getAvailability(isbn)
+ librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
+ default:
+ librarian.response <- &CoolLibraryResponse{book: nil,
+ err: errors.New("Невалидна заявка")}
+ }
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+// Reduces the available count for book with given isbn
+// Returns information about the book
+// Returns error if the book is not in the library or all copies are taken
+func (librarian *Librarian) borrowBook(isbn string) CoolLibraryResponse {
+ librarian.library.mutex.Lock()
+ book, ok := librarian.library.books[isbn]
+ var err error = nil
+ if !ok {
+ err = errors.New("Непозната книга " + isbn)
+ } else {
+ if book.availableCount == 0 {
+ err = errors.New("Няма наличност на книга " + isbn)
+ }
+ book.availableCount -= 1
+ librarian.library.books[isbn] = book
+ }
+ librarian.library.mutex.Unlock()
+ return CoolLibraryResponse{book: book, err: err}
+// Increases the available count for book with given isbn
+// Returns information about the book
+// Returns error if the book is not in the library
+// or all the books of this type are already in the library
+func (librarian *Librarian) returnBook(isbn string) CoolLibraryResponse {
+ librarian.library.mutex.Lock()
+ book, ok := librarian.library.books[isbn]
+ var err error = nil
+ if !ok {
+ err = errors.New("Непозната книга " + isbn)
+ } else {
+ if book.availableCount == book.registeredCount {
+ err = errors.New("Всички копия са налични " + isbn)
+ }
+ book.availableCount += 1
+ librarian.library.books[isbn] = book
+ }
+ librarian.library.mutex.Unlock()
+ return CoolLibraryResponse{book: book, err: err}
+// Returns information about the book
+// Returns error if the book is not in the library
+func (librarian *Librarian) getAvailability(isbn string) CoolLibraryResponse {
+ librarian.library.mutex.Lock()
+ book, ok := librarian.library.books[isbn]
+ var err error = nil
+ if !ok {
+ err = errors.New("Непозната книга " + isbn)
+ }
+ librarian.library.mutex.Unlock()
+ return CoolLibraryResponse{book: book, err: err}
+type Person struct {
+ FirstName string `xml:"first_name" json:"first_name"`
+ LastName string `xml:"last_name" json:"last_name"`
+// The type for the books that are stored in the library
+type Book struct {
+ ISBN string `xml:"isbn,attr"`
+ Title string `xml:"title"`
+ Author Person `xml:"author"`
+ registeredCount int
+ availableCount int
+// Returns a string representation of the book
+func (book Book) String() string {
+ return "Book: [" + book.ISBN + "] " + book.Title + " от " + book.Author.FirstName +
+ " " + book.Author.LastName
+// The library
+type FancyLibrary struct {
+ books map[string]*Book
+ librarians chan Librarian
+ mutex sync.Mutex
+// Adds a book to the library
+// Returns the count of all available copies in the library
+// Return an error of the number of copies is more than 4
+func (library *FancyLibrary) addBook(book *Book) (int, error) {
+ // Assuming that books with same ISBN are the same
+ library.mutex.Lock()
+ same_book := library.books[book.ISBN]
+ if same_book != nil {
+ // there are already 4 copies of the book - return error
+ if same_book.registeredCount == 4 {
+ return 4, errors.New("Има 4 копия на книга " + book.ISBN)
+ }
+ same_book.registeredCount += 1
+ same_book.availableCount += 1
+ } else {
+ book.registeredCount = 1
+ book.availableCount = 1
+ library.books[book.ISBN] = book
+ }
+ library.mutex.Unlock()
+ return library.books[book.ISBN].availableCount, nil
+// Add a book from json
+// Returns the count of all available copies in the library
+// Return an error of the number of copies is more than 4
+func (library *FancyLibrary) AddBookJSON(data []byte) (int, error) {
+ book := new(Book)
+ err := json.Unmarshal(data, book)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return library.addBook(book)
+// Add a book from xml
+// Returns the count of all available copies in the library
+// Return an error of the number of copies is more than 4
+func (library *FancyLibrary) AddBookXML(data []byte) (int, error) {
+ book := new(Book)
+ err := xml.Unmarshal(data, book)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return library.addBook(book)
+// Gets a free librarian to serve requests
+// Librarians are fixed - passed as an argument to NewLibrary func
+// Blocks if all librarians are busy
+// Returns two channels
+// write channel - for sending of requests
+// read channel - for receiving results
+// On closing the request (write channel) the librarian is released
+func (library *FancyLibrary) Hello() (chan<- LibraryRequest, <-chan LibraryResponse) {
+ // The librarians can get up to 100 requests before someone reads the response
+ request := make(chan LibraryRequest, 100)
+ response := make(chan LibraryResponse, 100)
+ librarian := Librarian{request: request, response: response, library: library}
+ library.librarians <- librarian
+ librarian.serve()
+ return librarian.request, librarian.response
+// Available types of requests
+const (
+ _ = iota
+ BorrowBook
+ ReturnBook
+ GetAvailability
+// The type for the requests the librarians work with
+type CoolLibraryRequest struct {
+ isbn string
+ requestType int
+// Return the type of the request:
+// 1 - Borrow book
+// 2 - Return book
+// 3 - Get availability information about book
+func (request *CoolLibraryRequest) GetType() int {
+ return request.requestType
+// Return the isbn of the book for which is the request
+func (request *CoolLibraryRequest) GetISBN() string {
+ return request.isbn
+// The type for the requests the librarians work with
+type CoolLibraryResponse struct {
+ book *Book
+ err error
+// gets book content, an object implementing Stringer
+// If the book does not exist the first result is nil
+// returns an error if it has occured
+// when "Return book", the content is not attached
+func (response *CoolLibraryResponse) GetBook() (fmt.Stringer, error) {
+ if response.err != nil {
+ return nil, response.err
+ }
+ if response != nil && response.book != nil {
+ return response.book, nil
+ } else {
+ return nil, errors.New("Празен отговор")
+ }
+// available - how many books are available after the request is performed
+// registered - how many copies are registered from this book (маx 4).
+func (response *CoolLibraryResponse) GetAvailability() (available int, registered int) {
+ if response != nil && response.book != nil {
+ return response.book.availableCount, response.book.registeredCount
+ } else {
+ return 0, 0
+ }
+type Library interface {
+ // Добавя книга от json
+ // Oтговаря с общия брой копия в библиотеката (не само наличните).
+ // Aко са повече от 4 - връща грешка
+ AddBookJSON(data []byte) (int, error)
+ // Добавя книга от xml
+ // Oтговаря с общия брой копия в библиотеката (не само наличните).
+ // Ако са повече от 4 - връщаме грешка
+ AddBookXML(data []byte) (int, error)
+ // Ангажира свободен "библиотекар" да ни обработва заявките.
+ // Библиотекарите са фиксиран брой - подават се като параметър на NewLibrary
+ // Блокира ако всички библиотекари са заети.
+ // Връщат се два канала:
+ // първият е само за писане - по него ще изпращаме заявките
+ // вторият е само за четене - по него ще получаваме отговорите.
+ // Ако затворим канала със заявките - освобождаваме библиотекаря.
+ Hello() (chan<- LibraryRequest, <-chan LibraryResponse)
+type LibraryRequest interface {
+ // Тип на заявката:
+ // 1 - Borrow book
+ // 2 - Return book
+ // 3 - Get availability information about book
+ GetType() int
+ // Връща isbn на книгата, за която се отнася Request-a
+ GetISBN() string
+type LibraryResponse interface {
+ // Ако книгата съществува/налична е - обект имплементиращ Stringer (повече информация по-долу)
+ // Aко книгата не съществува първият резултат е nil.
+ // Връща се и подобаващa грешка (виж по-долу) - ако такава е възникнала.
+ // Когато се е резултат на заявка от тип 2 (Return book) - не е нужно да я закачаме към отговора.
+ GetBook() (fmt.Stringer, error)
+ // available - Колко наличности от книгата имаме останали след изпълнението на заявката.
+ // Тоест, ако сме имали 3 копия от Х и това е отговор на Take заявка - тук ще има 2.
+ // registered - Колко копия от тази книга има регистрирани в библиотеката (макс 4).
+ GetAvailability() (available int, registered int)
Знам, че е малко късно да го променяш. Но все пак искам да ти обърна внимание на едно нещо.
Ето това парче код
for {
message, ok := <-librarian.request
if ok {
isbn := message.GetISBN()
requestType := message.GetType()
switch requestType {
case BorrowBook:
libraryResponse := librarian.borrowBook(isbn)
librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
case ReturnBook:
libraryResponse := librarian.returnBook(isbn)
librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
case GetAvailability:
libraryResponse := librarian.getAvailability(isbn)
librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
librarian.response <- &CoolLibraryResponse{book: nil,
err: errors.New("Невалидна заявка")}
} else {
Би било много по - ясно написано като
for message := range librarian.request {
isbn := message.GetISBN()
requestType := message.GetType()
switch requestType {
case BorrowBook:
libraryResponse := librarian.borrowBook(isbn)
librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
case ReturnBook:
libraryResponse := librarian.returnBook(isbn)
librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
case GetAvailability:
libraryResponse := librarian.getAvailability(isbn)
librarian.response <- &libraryResponse
librarian.response <- &CoolLibraryResponse{book: nil,
err: errors.New("Невалидна заявка")}
Моето лично правило е, че ако забележа в кода си регион с 4-5 идентации, то значи трябва да го огледам много внимателно дали не правя нещо по - сложно от колкото може да е.
Ще ми трябва малко повече четене за да разбера къде имаш race condition или безкрайно зацикляне. Но изглежда, че има нещо такова.